22 research outputs found

    Conséquences des mutations agricoles dans les Pyrénées aragonaises : T. Lasanta Martínez, Evolución reciente de la agricultura de montana : El Pirineo aragonés

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    Ruiz-Flaño P. Conséquences des mutations agricoles dans les Pyrénées aragonaises : T. Lasanta Martínez, Evolución reciente de la agricultura de montana : El Pirineo aragonés. In: Revue géographique des Pyrénées et du Sud-Ouest, tome 61, fascicule 2, 1990. Montagnes espagnoles. pp. 317-319

    Conséquences des mutations agricoles dans les Pyrénées aragonaises : T. Lasanta Martínez, Evolución reciente de la agricultura de montana : El Pirineo aragonés

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    Ruiz-Flaño P. Conséquences des mutations agricoles dans les Pyrénées aragonaises : T. Lasanta Martínez, Evolución reciente de la agricultura de montana : El Pirineo aragonés. In: Revue géographique des Pyrénées et du Sud-Ouest, tome 61, fascicule 2, 1990. Montagnes espagnoles. pp. 317-319

    Geodiversity : a theoretical and applied concept

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    The concept of geodiversity appears to have grown out of the discussions around biodiversity, and has evolved over time to become both a tool and a theoretical concept. The paper presents an overview of this conceptual evolution, leading to formulation of the argument that geodiversity is a broader term than geological diversity. Consequently, it is proposed that the concept should take into account all abiotic elements, processes and relations to the natural system and human activity The overview serves as a basis for focussing on the constituent elements of geodiversity that lead to the richness of variety in biotopes, ecosystems or landscapes and that infiuence its use in theoretical, educative and geoconservation terms. The suggestion is made to include four levels in a hierarchy of abiotic diversity (particles, elements, places and landscapes). several approaches to measuring and quantifying geodiversity are discussed, pointing to a need for a geodiversity index which links the different physical elements with processes in the soil, hydrology and geomorphology, as well as with topographical factors (orientation, slope and radiation)

    Diagnóstico de calidad para la conservación en espacios agrícolas en terrazas. Propuesta metodológica para la cuenca del Guiniguada (Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias)

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    In the present text it's exposed the designed method to set up the ranges of quality for the conservation of a hundred of unit of landscape where the presence of terraces is dominant. This rnethod value the characteristics of those unit relative of it's worth in productivity, ecology and scenery. The obtained results show that in the half and low areas of the Guiniguada valley, the spaces occupied by terraces present between a medium and high levels of quality for the conservation. 71% of the units are qualified by some one of these two categories, a high number bearing in mind that 60% of them are abandoned.En este trabajo se expone el método diseñado para el establecimiento de escalas de calidad para la conservación de un centenar de unidades de paisaje en las que domina la presencia de bancales. Dicho método tiene en cuenta las características productivas, ecológicas y paisajísticas de las áreas abancaladas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que en la cuenca media y baja del Guiniguada (Gran Canaria), el espacio de bancales presenta una calidad para la conservación situada en niveles medios y altos. El 71% de las unidades se sitúan en alguna de estas dos categorías, cifra elevada teniendo en cuenta que el 60% de las mismas está abandonada

    Factors affecting runoff and erosion under simulated rainfall in Mediterranean vineyards

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    11 páginas, 7 figuras, 9 tablas.Data on surface runoff and soil loss on gentle slopes with vineyards are analysed. Using a rainfall simulator, 22 rainstorms with varied intensities from 30 to 117.5 mm h−1 and return periods from 2 to 127 years were reproduced. The experimental plots were installed on vineyards planted in straight rows and oriented with the slope direction having a mean gradient of 3.8°. The texture of soils was loamy, with a very heterogeneous surface gravel cover. Values of measured surface runoff varied from 7.2 mm h−1 for low rainfall intensities (30 mm h−1) and short return periods (2 years) to 41.9 mm h−1 with simulation experiments of higher rainfall intensity (104 mm h−1) and long return periods (68 years). Runoff increased linearly with rainfall intensity resulting in soil losses that also increased with rainfall intensity (18.2 g m−2 h−1 with storms of 30 mm h−1, and 93.2 g m−2 h−1 with storms of 104 mm h−1); however, r2 explains only 36% of the variance. It was necessary to add other factors to improve the coefficient of determination (0.74; p = 0.001) and the predictive function of the equation. These variables were rainfall intensity, kinetic energy of the storm, runoff, soil resistance to drop detachment, surface gravel cover, and gradient. The equation obtained was validated with the USLE-M. In comparison with similar experiments in other regions, the results obtained for soil loss were very moderate, especially those caused by rainstorms of intermediate and low intensity.This study was supported by the project: ANGI- 2003/01 ‘‘Erosion models and high rainfall intensities on slopes cultivated with vineyards’’, funded by the Gobierno de La Rioja.Peer reviewe

    El impacto de la ganadería y la agricultura en los ecosistemas terrestres.-Modelos de distribución espacial de la erosión en laderas cultivadas con viñedos

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    RESUMEN Soils cultivated with vineyards have high rates of erosion. In the Mediterranean area, this is related to the environmental characteristics and the management of cultivation techniques. Indeed, in this region the rainfall intensity and the location of vineyards on slopes favour the erosive activity of runoff. The total area of vineyard in La Rioja (Spain) is currently almost 40,000 ha. Vineyards are located on hillsides between 400 and 600 m a.s.l. Of the vineyards of La Rioja, 81.7% are planted on slopes with a gradient between 3º and 9º. The aim of this paper is to present the behaviour and spatial organization of soil erosion in vineyards after high intensity rainfall and to identify the factors that influence in this organization. From erosion processes cartography, geographic information systems and multivariate statistical analysis, the distribution of erosion on a hillside cultivated with vineyards is modelling and predicted. The results are validated and compared with WATEM, a spatially distributed soil erosion and sediment delivery model. The use of spatial models of erosion can be very useful for agriculture, since they predict areas vulnerable to erosion and assist in planning of soil conservation techniques

    Algunas características de la concentración de sedimentos en solución y suspensión en Skaftafellsjökull (SE Islandia).

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    [EN] The hourly variation of suspended load and electrical conductivity is studied during 24 hours in the proglacial outwash stream in Skftafell (SE Iceland.[ES] Se estudia la variación horaria de la carga en suspensión y la conductividad eléctrica en el rio proglacial de Skftafell (SE de Islandia) a lo largo de 24 horas.Peer reviewe

    How Unconditioned Consciousness, Infinite Information, Potential Energy, and Time Created Our Universe

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    Since the cause and nature of consciousness and its derivation from the universe have never been satisfactorily explained by conventional reductive science, I offer here a rationally imaginative basis for a new scientific paradigm. This new view not only explains the origin of the physical universe, but also that potential consciousness, time, mass/energy and infinite holographic information are rooted in original spin momentum of unconditioned pre-cosmic (empty) space (see appendix) – the absolute source of all relative phenomenal existence

    Changes in runoff and erosion as a consequence of land-use changes in the central Spanish Pyrenees

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    Both in small experimental plots and in the "Aísa Valley Experimental Station" (Central Spanish Pyrenees), the role of different land-uses in explaining runoff and sediment yield is being studied in closed, experimental plots. In these plots, continuous information on overland flow and suspended and solute sediment concentration is obtained. Results suggest that cereal cultivation in steep slopes encourages soil erosion, especially under non-conservative systems. The passage of cereals into meadows represents an improvement of the hydrological functioning, which reaches its most positive values with colonization by a dense shrub cover. © 1995

    The landscape of the Alto Iregua valley in the last fifty years: evolution and structure

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    18 páginas, 4 figuras, 5 tablas.[EN]: The landscape changes in Alto Iregua are described and quantified from the cartography of vegetation and land uses of 1956 and 2001. Also several parameters used in studies of landscape ecology have been applied (number, size and form of the patches, diversity, dominance, equitativity and fractal dimension). Land use changes are characterised by an important process of expansion of deciduous and coniferous forests. In 1956, the forests only occupied 33,6% of the study area; in 2001 they occupy 67,5%. In the landscape, a reduction accused of the fragmentation is observed (from 1162 patches in 1956 to 735 in 2001), with the logical increase of the average size of the patches (from 44,1 to 69,7 ha). Diversity index of Shannon and Equitativity index of Evenness have decreased between both dates, from 1,707 to 1,55, and from 0,712 to 0,646 respectively, whereas the Dominancy shows a positive evolution (the values 0,691 in 1956 and 0,848 in 2001). In conclusion, the Alto Iregua landscape is less diverse at present than 50 years ago.[ES]: Se describen y cuantifican los cambios de paisaje en el Alto Iregua a partir del análisis de la cartografía de vegetación y coberturas del suelo de 1956 y 2001 y la aplicación de varios parámetros utilizados en estudios de ecología del paisaje: número, tamaño y forma de las manchas, diversidad, dominancia, equitatividad y dimensión fractal. Los cambios en las coberturas han tendido hacia un acusado proceso de expansión de los bosques de frondosas y coníferas. En 1956, los bosques sólo ocupaban el 33,6% del territorio, mientras que en 2001 ocupan el 67,5%. En el paisaje se observa un descenso acusado de la fragmentación, pasando de 1162 manchas en 1956 a 735 en 2001, con el lógico incremento de su tamaño medio (de 44,1 a 69,7 ha). Los índices de diversidad de Shannon y de equitatividad de Evenness han disminuido entre ambas fechas, pasando de 1,707 a 1,55 y de 0,712 a 0,646, respectivamente, mientras que la dominancia muestra una evolución positiva (valores de 0,691 en 1956 y de 0,848 en 2001). En definitiva, el paisaje del Alto Iregua es menos diverso en la actualidad que hace 50 años.Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco de los proyectos de investigación: PROBASE: Procesos y balances de sedimentos a diferentes escalas espaciales en ambientes mediterráneos: Efectos de las fluctuaciones climáticas y de los cambios de uso del suelo (CGL2006-11619/HID), FIREGLOBE: Análisis de escenarios de riesgo a escala nacional y global (CGL2008-01083-CLI) y CETSUS: Comportamiento y modelización espacio-temporal de la transferencia de sedimentos en diferentes usos del suelo: laderas con uso intensivo agrario (SGL2007-66644-CO4-03/HID), financiados por el Ministerio de Ciencia y tecnología. Ha contado también con el apoyo de la DGA al Grupo de Excelencia “Geomorfología y Cambio Global” y del Instituto de Estudios Riojanos (Gobierno de La Rioja).Peer reviewe